Friday, March 27, 2009

Tree Climbing in the Scarlet Maple

Today was a great day for climbing trees. Getting up there is half the challenge, even if you cheat by using a chair!
Fauna found a nice place to stop and admire the sprouting buds.

Climbing higher! How far can she go?

Araina found a resting spot and stuck to it (thank goodness, this one has two left feet...not good for tree climbing).

Hey, down there!!

I'm having this odd obsession with photographing shoes lately, I couldn't resist these!

Today we also hiked through the woods with carbon on our minds for our PTOE activities. This weekend I will post all about it. It's a long one that I just can't finish in one sitting! Be on the lookout for it this weekend.


  1. Cute little tree climbers! I found Elizabeth outside in a tree this morning before the rain! :) I love Araina's little perch; she looks cozy there.

  2. Lily especially loved seeing these pictures. She's an avid tree climber. There is one tree in particular she likes to climb. I'll have to take a picture of her in it!

  3. Great tree climbing pictures! Sunnyboy is really looking forward to growing 'bigger and bigger' so he can climb big trees :)

  4. Is there anything better than a beautiful spring day?:)

  5. What fun! We need a climbing tree. Princess would love it!!

  6. love climbing trees, what a great welcome to spring thing to do. WE are tree climbers too.

    Can't wait to read your carbon post.

  7. Love these photos :) I've been having restless leg syndrome the past few nights.. maybe climbing some trees would help.

  8. Fauna sure is fearless, scares me a lot! Araina not as much but is becoming more brave as she gets older.

  9. Oh how I love climbing trees! I've yet to share this adventure with my girls. Now you've got me motivated. As soon as I'm fully functional again, we'll be on the look out for some good climbing trees. Hmm... actually, that may be a bit difficult, as our landscape is probably best described as "barren wasteland."

    I think you're right, our girls would be great friends!

  10. Looks like so much fun!! And what a great idea to use a chair....a very tall chair!!!

  11. Great photos, I love photo's of shoes:)
    There is nothing BETTER than sitting in a tree!
    Looking forward to the PTOE post.
    Have fun tonight with Earth Hour!

  12. These tree climbing photos are so fun! They make me want to climb a tree myself. :)

  13. Love the shoe photos! The converse one is very cool.

    Cute tree climbers :)

  14. Do you get panicky feelings when your kids climb trees? I lived in them-- way, way up in them-- when I was a kid, but I get terrified whenever a child in my charge climbs. Is it just me?

  15. Yes Melissa, I do get panicky! But a kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do! Araina, terrified me the other day, she was on top of our monkey bars and got herself stuck. I was so scared she was going to fall between the bars! I had to shimmy myself up to her and hand her down to my hubby! Oh, children. LOL!

  16. A lovely visual story about your day with fantastic shots. I love climbable trees but was never as brave as you guys - fear of heights at a very young age but felt awesome if I managed the first or second limb.

  17. Well with a name like *scarlet maple* that beautiful tree is just screaming out to be climbed! I love your shoe shots....I have a thing about feet!
    I've just received your message about my very special *fan*....Oh my you bunch have made my morning...month...year! That is the sweetest thing EVER and I am one lucky lady to have such a devoted reader!! That's for sure. Hi Fauna! I adore reading about you too!


So, what do you think?