Today was a very wet and chilly day. We really needed a pick-up and needed to do something springy. We went outside for a little fresh air and noticed our wild violets were in bloom. We picked some to candy.
We also picked Johnny Jump Ups, pansies and geraniums.

Place the flowers on a sheet of parchment paper until they are dry (about an hour). Place the flowers in a container and put in the refrigerator until ready for use.

Fauna likes the candied geraniums the best.

Araina likes the violets.

To candy your petals you need egg whites (the freshest you can get), fine sugar, edible flowers, parchment paper and paint brushes.
Dip the paint brush in the egg white and coat the flowers.
Dip the flowers in the sugar until they are evenly coated.
Place the flowers on a sheet of parchment paper until they are dry (about an hour). Place the flowers in a container and put in the refrigerator until ready for use.
Fauna likes the candied geraniums the best.
Araina likes the violets.
Make sure you have positively identified the flowers before eating them, many flowers are not meant to be consumed. Also, just because a flower petal is edible, the leaves or roots may not be. For a great resource and list of edible flowers visit What's Cooking America.
We were just talking the other day about candying violets!
You know what is so incredibly awesome about you? That you have one post on eating mushrooms followed by one on eating flowers, and you casually mention that one should responsibly take these things on. I love that quote about eating mushrooms once.
Me? I am all hemming and hawing on letting my girls poke themselves with a needle! You are the best ever!
Thanks and lol Peggy. We are huge wild edible fans...I am ALWAYS testing my girls about the plants. Fauna has gotten really good about identifying the edibles and non-edibles; I even trust her on her own now. This has scared some people but has also fascinated others.
I have official learned something new today! Thank you for enlightening me!
Stephanie, told ya that we were on the same wavelength!
You have so many fantastic ideas! Thanks for this one, and the link to the list of edible flowers. Your candied edible flowers are so pretty!
Wow! You and your girls are always doing amazing things!
Beautiful Spring pretty and delicious!
I am so impressed at your knowledge of flowers (and mushrooms). I have no clue about any of it. I can tell a rose from a daisy, but that's about it...well, maybe I'm not that bad, but close. ;) Perhaps Princess will develop an interest in learning about flowers and I can learn something as well.
They look so pretty! We eat a lot of flowers in our summer salads! So yummy!
What a fascinating idea.
As a child I always loved having salad at my step moms as she would always top with Borage flowers. I've never tried to candy flowers but this looks like another fun idea!
So when does adult nature camp start? Sign me up!
That is great, Lisa! I love that your girls are adventurous. :)
I'm not sure mine would... but I would. oh, J said she would. Prime said he would have the sugar.
Oh my gosh! This is such a fabulous idea...I can't wait to try this with my girls!!! :)
Looks beautiful and delicious! This is another activity that my girls will love...
This activity is for me! I can see these adorning the top of my white chocolate/blueberry three layer cake!!
Lovely idea :)
This looks like fun!
I may have mentioned it a few hundred times before, but I LOVE your blog!!!
Thanks for the memories! My daughter and her friend made and ate candied violets years ago. It was a lovely day.
Well, I was doing the same thing - on the opposite sides of the world - simultaneously! :) How fun!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Yum!!! Love your blog. Click on over to see what the kids and I made with our wildflowers/weeds (in our family a weed is just a plant growing where you don't want it)--we made dandelion fritters and fairy salad. clearly, next we'll need to make candied violets!
these are so pretty!
I love the Candied Edible Flowers. Those are beautiful and interesting information about the various uses. I didn't know about that.
You are so full of great ideas. I wish we could have coffee together. I operate an alternative preschool/child care on our farm and am inspired by so many of your ideas!
I and my children thank you : )
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