Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Making Rosewater Method #2

Last week, I showed you how to make rosewater using a homemade still. Here is method #2, (from Rosemary Gladstar's "Herbs for Natural Beauty") a VERY simple way to make rosewater, but you must wait 2-3 weeks for results.

To make rosewater you need:
fresh roses or rose petals- the stronger the scent the better
3 parts vodka, gin, or witch hazel extract
1 part distilled water
glass jar with lid

1. Mix the 3 parts vodka with 1 part water.
2. Place rose petals in the glass jar.
3. Completely cover the roses with the alcohol/water solution, leaving 2-3 inches of liquid above the roses.

4. Cover and seal the lid tightly.
5. Place your rosewater in a warm shaded area. After a few days, add more rose petals to the mixture (you might have to add a little more vodka as well). Doing this will make your rosewater more fragrant.

6. After two or three weeks, strain out the roses and rebottle for use. Store in a cool place to prolong shelf life.

*My favorite thing to do with rosewater in the summer is to put it in a mister to use after a bath or shower. I especially love to spray it in my hair! Or try this recipe for rosewater cookies. Enjoy!


  1. Awesome! I just posted a post and picture of me making Rose Vinegar! How weird is that?

  2. Dreamwriter, I think we were also viewing each other's posts at the same time. Too funny!
    Lisa :)

  3. This does look easy. I just need to find some vodka. :)

    We tried making our own peppermint water purely experimental using the sun method (?)It turned out pretty good. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I should make some more, too, it's been a couple of years! :o

    The petals in the cup are so beautiful.

  5. I am so busy coveting your roses, I can hardly concentrate! They are SUCH a beautiful color AND they have fragrance to boot! AND they are such proficient bloomers! Just lovely.

  6. Rosewater is wonderful in so many ways. I just love that your family makes it and uses it! Very special. :)

  7. another great idea i´m going to try- thanks lisa!

  8. Goose tried to make her own rose water the other day, turned out kinda stinky! This sounds great!!! Thanks

  9. Thank you for this. I love even the sound of the word rosewater. As someone else commented, getting vodka will be the toughest part. It's not on my usual shopping list. I did read something about using it to keep mosquitoes away, so maybe it will have two uses in my home!, no

  10. Thank you for posting this. We followed your instructions and made some rosewater, now we've just got to be patient until it's ready! I posted about it today with a link to your post. Hope that's ok with you :)
    Here's the link: Rosewater

  11. So...do you think I could do this with Sweet Peas and get something nice?

  12. Sweet peas would make a lovely floral water!


So, what do you think?