I have A LOT of containers that I have been saving (just can't throw them out) for just the right activity and this is it! These containers (from Trader Joe's) are great because you can easily peel off the labels and there is a blank cardboard canvas to work with. I poked holes in the sides, ripped the cloth straps from one of Araina's old dresses and knotted them on. I then let the girls decorate the buckets however they pleased.

Now for the berry picking! We have a ton of berries to pick; it's just hard to get to a lot of them because they are surrounded by poison ivy. Good thing we have a lot of jewelweed around to make the "rashy plant" home remedy.

Visit Jumbleberry Jam to see how she made her berry buckets for her little guy. Visit this post at 5 Orange Potatoes at Wordpress. I will be making the final move this weekend. I will be using my own domain and found a way to upload the Friend Connect. ;)
Terrific idea! Wish I had thought of that when my kids were younger. Now their hands are bigger (and they can shove more in their mouths!).
Wonderful! I'm so happy and honored that you like the bucket idea. Love the berry fabric :-)
That IS a cute idea! I might have to use that next summer for berry picking. :) I hope the little ladies enjoy picking their berries!
Great idea and the girls look so cute with them!
These might be good for picking beans, peas, etc. in the garden too.
Hope "the move" goes well this weekend. ;)
Hey :) that's handy!!!
Good idea!
So cute! (I saw them over there,too.)
I keep containers, too. :)
Boxes, canisters, jars... you name it. :)
And we use them!!
Neat idea! We usually turn coffee cans into drums, but we have way too many of those, now. I love this. Now we have a new project to make this weekend. Thank you!
One of my favorite activities is berry picking! What a great idea--now they can pick with two hands:)
ooh, jumbleberry inspired us,too :D how fun!
What a fabulous idea - it's recycling too! I have been casting about the house all day looking for an equivalent for my little one. Thanks for the inspiration x
Very cute!
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