On the table you will find projects waiting to be finished with needed supplies of art pencils, watercolors, oil pastels, paint brushes, glue and nature journals. Usually you will find a Little Lady there too, all is easy access for their creative pleasure.
Feathers, monarch caterpillars and beetles, and water frogs (from the pet store) are also there for observation and nature journal inspiration.
Baskets of pressed leaves and sycamore bark are there for art projects.

Reused glass bottles full of flowers to be observed or dissected.

Baskets of flowers waiting to be pressed and various flower presses are close at hand.

Reused glass bottles full of flowers to be observed or dissected.
Baskets of flowers waiting to be pressed and various flower presses are close at hand.
Homemade clipboards with pollen studies attached.
HA! This table is in the same room as my herb table. This creative room is a room full of "organized clutter," much to my hubby's distress. Since this room is too much to take in for one post I'll save the cabinets full of more nature and art supplies for a later date.
Table Leg Ornament
The tables' contents change daily and will change as the seasons change. It may be a little "messy" to look at from afar, but my little ladies and I find it absolutely beautiful!
Your table is beautiful,I can see why the the little ladies are often found there it looks ever so inspiring!!! Thanks for sharing!
What a fantastically GORGEOUS Nature Table!!! No wonder your Little Ladies are SO inspiring! Thank you SO much for posting this on Friday's Nature Table.
Blessings and magic.
What a wonderful mum you are, your girls have a great childhood!
I especially like the pollen studies. How cool is that?!
How lovely! Wish O had space for something like this!
So beautiful.
I love these little glimpse into your beautiful lives. Pollen studies...hmmm.
It occured to me as I was reading your post that we don't have a nature table, though I love the idea. In the summer we spend so much of our day outside that we don't really feel the need to create a "nature space" inside. Although I must say that many many rocks, sticks, leaves, flowers and insects make their way in nonetheless.
I love that you have a "creative room." It is beautiful, and looks like it would be a lovely place to spend time in.
Oooo... I'd love to spend time at that table creating! You've created a wonderful space for your girls.
I agree that your table full of wonderful things is beautiful. You are truly an inspiration!
I love it! :D
wow, I wish you were my mom! What grand fun!
OMGoodness... you really are just amazing. I just want to follow you around for all your great ideas.
Oooh so much fun there Mama!! I'm especially enjoying your leaf sewing...I've added that to my list!
this is pure visual eye candy!!! lisa i LOVE it!!!
Seeing all that nature laid out in rustic delight is so inspirational.
Next life, can I be your child?
What a wonderful space! It would be hard *not* to be inspired looking at that everyday.
ah, I love your table with all the beautiful additions. I really love that you sewed a leaf on a leaf. I have yet to get a low table with nature. My three year old boy would destroy it. Mostly our nature tables are up high which kind of defeats the purpose. Thank you for sharing! I will try again...smiles, K
What a lovely nature table. I need to find room to do this. What a beautiful celebration of nature.
So lovely! I feel like I'm looking at a table from days past in a far away place. I dare say, few tables in the US today are nearly as inviting! I want to explore and touch everything. Thanks for the inspiration!! :-)
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