More handmade lovelies that are on our wishlist!
*Linda from Natural Suburbia handknits beautiful animals from pure merino sheep wool. I just love this family of sheep.

*Andrea at littlebighead has a talent of putting the whimsical and magical world onto paper. Her drawings just blow me away. Since I am a big dandelion lover, this drawing is on my wishlist.
*Kate at Ramble on Rose makes the hippest clothing. I just love this skirt!!!!

*Jessica of Foursquare Schoolhouse just started her shop about a week ago. Beatrix Potter and A.A. Milne are just two of her inspirations. How cute is this Pooh bear holding Piglet???

Be sure to take a visit and support these small business owners! I guarantee you won't find the artistry, care and love that is put into these items at any retail store.
oooh, girl, are you looking to get me into trouble? these are all so lovely!! i'm so looking forward to seeing your open...
Lovely Etsy shops... I know all about Mamma4Earth as we want all of her creations. They are just SO adorable... But I'm delighted to be introduced to be introduced to Littlebighead, Ramble on Rose and Foursquare Schoolhouse... their shops are lovely! I've already put their items on my wish list... thanks for sahring, Lisa.
Yum! I adore that skirt too!
Don't know if you're into this sort of thing (and totally cool if you're not), but I have some melons for you at my blog : )
I love that squirrel skirt!
I always love Linda's sweet knitted animals. I actually just ordered her owl for Finn. I'd never seen the other shops. Thanks for the introduction. :)
Thanks for sharing your favorites! I often find myself asking: "how did we ever get along without etsy???" :)
Thanks so much for posting about my Mamma4earth, you are so very kind! The other shops you posted about are all so adorable and beautiful, I'm going onto Etsy now to have a look at all their handmade goodness!
Such cute picks!
Thank you for visiting my blog and taking part in my giveaway. Good luck!
Aww, thanks so much!! I must warn you....the Gandhi book is very technical, and outlines his life before he was famous. I just finished it...glad I read it, but didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Those are all cute, but I really love that Pooh and Piglet! So cute!
Thank you so much for your kind words & the link to my shop! I really appreciate it!
I've been trying to make at least 2-3 little guys a week--the sales slowed down, but no worries...
Take care...thanks again!
Can't wait to see your shop!! If you have ANY questions about setting it up--email me, I'll be happy to help you!
Pooh and piglet are making my heart swell.... so sweet.
The sheep family could come to live here on our wee farm.... great picks- thanks for spreading the news about these shops!
that sheep family is too cute, and that skirt is on my wish list for sure.
Thanks for sharing your finds
Oh gosh!!!, I just have to have that squirrel skirt!
Hi Lisa, I have been crazy busy at work recently and now I see how much I was missing from your blog!! The pooh bear is absolutely amazing!
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