For colds, drink chamomile or sage tea.For strength, eat thyme with your meal. For easing sadness, sleep on a pillow stuffed with thyme.

For staying young, smell rosemary frequently. ;)
For attracting money, carry basil in your pockets.
For indigestion, chew parsley.
My Gran would tell us to study with a vase of rosemary next to us as it would help us remember in the exam.
I just love this.... thank you...
magical post. thanks for sharing such love and learning.
Great, Lisa! From now on, I'll fill my pockets with basil, instead of cooking it on the "sugo" ( tomato sauce)for the spaghettis!lol
In order never to be short of money, we pick the first honeysuckle and put it in our wallet. Smells good too :)
I also use thyme for colds, since it stimulates the immune system.
I just love herbs!
Your photos are beautiful.
What a beautiful post! We are so connected to the herbs in our gardens too, lovely to hear your take on them!! Thank you : )
Lavender keeps the fleas away! And is the best thing for a kitchen burn. It stops the burning process immediately and you are left with less of a scar and less pain. Lavender should be in every kitchen for this reason alone!! And always plant rosemary at your front gate for protection!
Lately we've been playing Wildcraft around here. I love plants.
Love Love Love this simple and sweet post.
Thank you for sharing the herbal lore...I believe them!
And to think I was going to clip some of my basil to add to our famous grilled cheese with tomato & basil--MONEY, I should be attracting MONEY!
So pretty...I love the delicate nature of herb flowers...beautiful
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